about sophie

I know your secrets...

because they were my secrets too..

and they felt really heavy until I started to share them and stopped being the person who did it all!

You need to stop working IN your business...

I know, I know the most basic information in the business world- but just like drink water and get a good night sleep - there is a reason doing this is important. It works.

Those secret fear feelings you have- they won't go away the more you do and the harder you work. You need to work smarter- you need help.

I know first hand how expensive leveling up your hiring is. Base salary, bonuses and benefits.

I know that you want help- but don't want to waste money on another staff to organize and train.

I also know how many consultants will give you theory and charts without much care for how your business actually runs or for the emotions that you have around it.

With over 16 years of ownership and executive experience, I help small to medium business owners who would like to have executive level leadership and strategic support without the full time cost of an executive employee.

As a hands on business consultant, I offer a high level of professional support to ownership to help them achieve high impact goals such as, cultural change management, team facilitation and growth and process and organizational management.

My goal is to make you the owner feel well supported and resourced as together we

tackle whatever goals you have for your business.

Stop surviving and start thriving!

doing it alone will never work

With a hands on Business Consultant - there is no risk - just reward.

... Curious about how this could work for you? Ready to get started!

stop surviving, start thriving

A hands on business consultant helps you take what is already working in your business and create strategic plans so you can start enjoying your business again !